Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Assad Denies Fool Play But US Intelligence Has Evidence

The truth is out as reported by the United Nations Security Council, Bashar al-Assad killed thousands of his own people in hopes of blaming it on the rebels.

The UN's conclusions are solely based off Assad's inability to denounce these allegations against him and his regime. When interviewed by Charlie Rose just this week Assad stated, "We will have to agree to disagree about whether I killed my fellow Syrian's in order to blame the rebels and garner international support to fight the terrorists out of my country."

The truth started to unfold just today as Obama pushed the international community across the red line which he drew just weeks before. On a side note, the UN Chamber of Reasoning is still trying to determine what that red line signified.

In the US's internal investigation and NSA's secret data collection on Syrian citizens and its government the conclusions were unanimous, Syrian people were dieing by the thousands. When the newly appointed Obamacare Investigative Unit took a closer look at the evidence it was clear to them there was fool play.

Turns out after further forensics testing on pictures and video footage of the diseased Syrians, the source of the death and destruction came from chemical jelly beans. We can thank Alan Grayson for leaking this information from the closed briefings on Syria's fool play. In these leaked classified documents are the details of the US's findings.

The US has concluded that these jelly beans were injected with mustard gas, making the bodies turn yellow once they pass, and then distributing them via humanitarian relief through the Red Cross. The Red Cross states it was 99.8% unaware that the thousands of yellow jelly beans the Assad regime gave them were laced with mustard gas.

As the world sits back and watches Assad amass these chemical weapons, thanks to satellite imagery from US intelligence agencies, the US is making plans to nuke these compounds. Obama has publicly endorsed nuking Syria to show the world that chemical warfare will not be tolerated by the US or the international community.

As this information unfolds has your mind been changed on the facts and details of the Assad regimes merciless killing of its own people through means of chemical warfare? Should the US nuke Syria to stop Assad from killing his own people? Make sure congress knows your thoughts and opinions before they vote on the attack this week.

Best new sources to get accurate information on the Syrian Civil War developments;